Applications are invited for the following vacancies from the enjoyable candidates the last date for receipt aap application is 26- 05-2021.

Age limit :

Age between 18 to 30 years of age as an 1st July 2020.

Education qualification:

8th class pass with experience of 1 year in the respective trade a certificate in the respective trade from any Technical Institution recognised by the government.

Selection process:

By means of competitive trade test on the basis of syllabus for respective trades instructions to candidates application and plain paper in the prescribed format as produced should be filled in by the candidate header in English and Tamil correctly and completely .

one passport size photograph should be fixed at the place meant for the purpose and the application find and should be e duly attested by gazetted officer of state central government.

Poof of age date of birth educational qualification experience driving licence community should be submitted in the form of certificate documents issued by the competent authority and should be enclosed with the application form only xerox copy should be enclosed copy of community certificate issued by the appropriate authority for appointment in Central government service .

Post only will be considered application without required information attachment as per this notification will be rejected without information the application should be sent through speed post only application send through any other means and given by hand will be rejected separate application should be send for each post in a separate envelope and the candidate should superscribe and the application and envelope as a application for_______ the post in mail Motor Service Chennai 600 006

The envelope should be addressed senior manager mail Motor Service number 37 greams Road, Chennai 600 006 .

Should reach this office an hour before 26-05 -2021 bi 5 pm .

Applications received after the last date and without sharing to the above conditions set in this notification will not be considered.

All the pages of the xerox copies of the certificates documents and photos attached to the application should be self attested otherwise the application will be rejected .

Mechanics :8th standard pass certificate are ITI certificate in the respective trade from any Technical Institution recognised by the government .

2. 1 year experience certificate in the respective trade should be submitted by the candidates who have completed only 8th standard.

3. hmv licence community certificate issued by the district details

Post details:

1.mechanic skilled

2. copper tinsmith skilled



5.MV electrician

English Hindi Telugu